Thursday, May 3, 2012

Things That Keep Our House Operational (volume 2)

It another one of those days. Pretty much can explain it, in a nutshell like this:


That pretty much sums it up. Add a little tonic of Calen not listening to a word I say and whining about everything and anything that exists in this universe to that recipe, plus a duty call from Brad's work that made him gone from 6am until 8:30 tonight, and you had what I like to call catastrophic need of ice cream and several cocktails a really bad day. 

Therefore, we have another volume of Things That Keep Our House Operational (the "Survive The Day Until Bedtime" edition). 

1) New game!

Today started early, which usually means early crankiness. Maybe I'm psychic or just that brilliant, but last night I conveniently made this little gem and brought it out today. It's a kids puzzle (got it at the dollar store! They have TONS) with pieces of magnetic tape (found everywhere) cut and stuck on the back. Which makes fridge puzzle! Which apparently is way cooler than floor/table puzzle. Which makes happy Calen (for fifteen minutes or so). AND Cam can't get to it and confiscate/eat the pieces! EVEN BETTER. 

Calen thinks the new Spiderman puzzle on the fridge is pretty neat. Especially with matching Spidey "jammie underwear" (as he calls it)

2) Dinosaur sandwiches

"Calen, are you hungry? Do you want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?"

"No. No 'ungry."

"Okay. I'm going to take some clothes upstairs. Be right back!"


45 seconds later. Didn't even get to the top of the stairs. 

"Mommeeeee? I get peanut 'utter sammich?" 


This was four hours into Camden's incessant teething/screaming/yelling/pissed at the world attitude. I felt bad that all of the (positive) attention was going to him and barely any to Calen, so I decided to make lunch fun and make him dinosaur sandwiches. 

dinosaur sandwiches

He thought it was fantastic. 

Dinosaur shaped plastic sandwich cutters are at Walmart for like a buck. Totally. Get one. No excuses. Everything is better in fun shapes! (plus, it automatically takes the crusts off. Double win. 

"Awwww he's so CUTE!" - Calen on his dinosaur sandwich

3) Playdate with friends

What better way to handle two excessively cranky kids than by forcing another mom to experience today's dose of hell getting together with a good friend and letting the kids play with their little friends?

This actually was the only part of the day where Camden wasn't screaming. Probably because he got to be with (one of) his little blonde girlfriend. (Calen was still whiny but at least occupied). 

Cam is happy because he's with his little lady.

4) Slushies for dinner

I took said victim friend to Wawa with me once I got the news that Brad was working late (which means I am NOT cooking dinner and getting something on the quick). Calen was whining. I wanted him to stop. You know how to make kids stop whining FAST? Fill their mouth with a straw attached to a big, red, sugary slushy drink. Worked like a damn charm the whole walk back. 

Then of course he wasn't hungry for his quesadilla I bought for him for dinner. He was full on cherry slushy. You know what I said?

"WHO cares. Finish your slushy. THAT's your dinner. You can eat it tomorrow."

I'm either awesome or a bad parent for letting my three year old have a 16oz cup of sugar water for dinner. 

Dinner of champions

5) Making barfing noises at the dinner table

You know what the fastest way is to make two little boys laugh until they pee their pants/diaper?

Make loud, disgusting, barfing noises. 

Do this at the dinner table to add to the effect. 

They couldn't stop laughing. 

(Boys are so easy)

laughing at barfing noises.


....BEDTIME at 6pm. YES. Cranky kids go to bed EARLY. 




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