Monday, May 7, 2012

Little Boys and Blue Jean Overalls

How can anyone resist forcing putting their little boys in blue jean overalls?

Well, if someone can, it's definitely not me.

It's nigh impossible to find overalls that don't cost as much as a piece of furniture (really Oshkosh? $30 for ONE pair? You know that's like 18 inches of fabric and three stitches. Kiss my you-know-what). It's even harder to find ones for Calen that don't look too "babyish". (note: I'm currently bidding on some Carhartt ones on Ebay for him. How did we ever survive without Ebay??).

I acquired a pair of overalls from a friend for Cam recently but actually forgot about them (I know, how terrible of me). I also "acquired" a old-style red metal tricycle from the side of the road last week. Combine the two together with my photogenic curly haired 12 month old and you have the PERFECT photo op!

The kids woke up in even-more-cheerful-than-usual moods today. AND they slept in ("they" being Cam but Calen at least stayed in his room until Cam woke up). Thus I woke up with tons of energy and even cooked!! I made scrambled eggs for the boys. I decided that their splendid happy moods meant today was the day to go out and take pictures!

So I forced let the kids play in the big backyard this morning. Conveniently the red tricycle was out there. Conveniently Cam was in his overalls and no shirt. CONVENIENTLY I put the two next to each other. 

It turned out even better than I expected. 


Isn't it just so very American? I couldn't just choose one, so you get two (for the price of one)

And because I feel bad that Calen was left out, here's one of him (even he cooperated. A little).


 then, she {snapped}


  1. Sooo sweet.. I adore these shots..Such adorable lil ones ;)) I have a "motherhood" linky happening that just started as a count down to mother's day and I'd LOVE for you to please share this within if you have a moment.. :)) Found ya via andthenshesnapped - officially a follower with smiles.. I'm Marilyn via Hope you can stop in.. Wishing you a beautiful day..

  2. You can not help but mile when you look at these. Just lovely. I really like the second one.
