Friday, May 11, 2012

Mason Returns!

I almost outdid myself today. 

I say "almost" because there is no way I can outdo the helicopter tour yesterday, in the eyes of Calen anyways. But I was pretty good today.

I didn't tell Calen that Mason, one of his very best friends who moved away last month, was coming to visit for the WHOLE weekend and he was coming tonight.

This was not just for the surprise factor, but it was actually a very carefully planned tactical maneuver so I wouldn't have to hear "Mommy, I see Mason NOW??" every minute/hour/moment of my life before he actually showed up to our door. So I didn't even hint at it, went on like it was a normal day.

Until dinnertime rolled around. We were waiting until their ferry got here to barbecue with them and other friends tonight. It was getting past the boys' usual dinnertime (and rolling into usual bedtime) and Calen was clearly DYING OF STARVATION. I told him we were waiting for Mason to come to dinner. I don't really think he believed me. He probably thought I was starving him on purpose.

Calen was playing outside with his other friend Allison when Mason shows up on the back deck and hands him a Monster Truck postcard from North Carolina (his new hometown). Calen said nothing, took it stunned, and then it suddenly dawned on him that Mason was here in the flesh.


And he was so excited that he took off running in some random direction leaving Mason stunned on the deck. He had no idea what just happened to him. Poor kid.

These four were just crazy today at the barbecue

Four of us families barbecued dinner in the big community yard behind my house. Convenient for me because when Camden decided he had enough of life today at 7:30 I could just run upstairs and throw him in bed, then go back out to the party. Calen got a special treat by being able to stay up as late as he wanted (basically - as long as he wasn't turning into a basket-case) to play with his newly reunited friends. He was even shocked when he watched it get dark outside while he was outside (a strange phenomenon to him). They had s'mores, laughed, giggled, it was so cute watching such tiny little friends enjoy each other's company. 

9:30pm rolled around (three hours past Calen's usual bedtime) and Calen comes up to me, arms up in the air, stumbling, eyes half shut. 

"Mommy, I go to bed?"


Campfire stories are funny even when you're three. Mason and Calen having a good laugh.






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