Sunday, July 1, 2012

Beach Day July Style

Hey, it's July! Only the best month of the entire year! 

Except you know, December. Only because December has excessive amounts of baked goods and tinsel. July does not.
We hit the big Coast Guard beach today and I totally didn't bring my camera on purpose. Do you know how hard it is to keep tiny insignificant specks of sand off of a camera worth more than your television? Impossible. Even if you bring a camera case. Besides, I wanted to play in the water and not worry about snapping pictures. So I decided it wasn't worth it and left it at home.

But don't worry people, I snapped a quick shot minutes before we left. Calen was in his swimsuit and Spiderman sunglasses waiting to go when we picked up a pretend cell phone and started chatting with whoever. It was so freaking cute in a Jersey Shore sort of way.

Taking an important call
It was a balmy 90 degrees today but that makes for perfect beach weather. Cam wasn't interested in the water (what kind of kid related to me doesn't like water? He'll grow into it) so he stayed on the beach playing in the sand while daddy and I took turns watching him and big brother, while the other parent went boogie boarding/swimming in the ocean. The water was super warm today and the waves were AWESOME but the crabs were very PINCHY today! Oh the rough life we have. We had a great time playing with our friends too, kids and adults alike!

Calen even swam today! We bought him one of those Puddle Jumper things since his worthless plastic water wings don't help him much and he struggles keeping his head above water. I must say these things are AWESOME! They keep his head up and make him feel safe (and it's a Coast Guard approved life jacket! Saweet! Throw him in and walk away! Just kidding--seriously?!), but it's not very constricting so he can still move around. I took him out pretty far (chest deep for me) and even let go of his hand a few times - he freaked out a little when I let go but not nearly as bad as he usually does, and then once I'd grab his hand again he'd laugh and say he was having so much fun! Of course that's when I wish I had brought my camera!

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