Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Motor Skill Torture Devices

We had another failed Pinterest activity today. 

Pinterest usually treats me with gentle loving hands. But every once in a while it lashes out at me. Typical relationship.

The idea was simple. Take a Gatorade bottle (or similar bottle). Cut off the bottom. Rubber band a wash cloth to the open bottom. Dip it in soapy water. Blow. And this humongously long soapy snake comes out. I tested it and it worked great

Pretty awesome. 

This was the blowing. Before he breathed in.
However one thing that Pinterest failed to mention that your kid needs to have the proper motor skills to know NOT to breathe into the bottle AFTER they blow out. Don't they know that my kid is only 3 and hasn't figured that out yet?

They don't? Shame on them. 

So he blew out. And it worked a little bit. But then, he sucked in a deep breath with his mouth still on the bottle. And into his mouth went all that soap. 

"Blaaaaaaaaaargh ack YUCKY Mommy my mouth AHHHHHHH WAAAAAAH" *cough* *sputter* *cry*

Then he ran to the pool and had a long drink out of the hose. 

Me: *smirk* 

This is when I sat and watched and laughed. I'm a bad mom.
I tried to have Calen try it one more time and to not breathe into it. But he wouldn't He backed up and shook his head. Clearly this was not a fun game. It was a torture device. A dirty trick where it looks like it should be fun because it has bubbles and what bubbles aren't fun? But then you get all excited and go to do it and it shoots suds down your throat. Evil.

It took him over half an hour and several drinks out of the hose to stop complaining about the soap in his mouth. I now know what to threaten mention when EVER he's being naughty. I guess Grandma knew what she was doing when she shoved bars of soap in kid's mouths.

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