Sunday, February 17, 2013

Polar Bear Plunge

It was another wretchedly frigid cold day here, made even worse by this god forsaken unforgiving arctic wind tunnel that we seem to live in from mid November until around the end of March.

Not that some silly wind could stop us. Well it could. And usually does

My next door neighbor texts me and says "hey, want to take the kids swimming this afternoon at the base pool?" (which is indoors, by the way. But it's not like  "warm". It's kept cooler for recruits and other lap swimmers and local polar bears.)

You want me to wear a swimsuit and flip flops and jump into a cooler-than-room temperature pool and swim until we are shivering and our lips are blue and then run through the arctic wind tunnel to my car while still dripping wet and pick icicles out of my kid's hair for the rest of the evening?

P.S it started snowing. 

Hey, that's an awesome idea! It sounds like fun! We'll totally be there!

And we totally did because it totally was an awesome idea and it got us out of the house. And it was fun and not too cold until towards the end when both the boys lips were blue (but they didn't want to leave). Hey, what else are you going to do on a cold winter day? Stay inside and wish it was summer? 

Picture of the day is post-polar bear plunge when the boys got to watch Kung Fu Panda and have popcorn. We have two couches. But Camden felt the need to squish into Calen's couch. So he could be closer to the popcorn of course. 


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