Thursday, June 21, 2012

25th Floor

So this is another short blog, as I'm in the middle of DATE NIGHT and I have important things to do. Like spend time without my kids for once.

The hubby and I are staying at a hotel in downtown Seattle tonight on the 25th floor overlooking Pike Place (or so they say, it's actually overlooking an even larger building that's in front of Pike Place) right in the heart of the city. I'll tell all about today's events tomorrow, but I'll leave you with this.

(I also am using a hotel lobby computer so no pictures tonight)

Brad and I are sitting on the window ledge looking 25 stories straight down onto the city streets and talking about how if the glass isn't there we'd certainly be not sitting on that ledge because inso doing is just asking for shit to happen and we'd be splattered all over the street, and then we were challenging each other as to how ballsy we each are and whether we'd bungee jump or base jump off the top of the building or not. (I said hell to the no. Brad said he would)

Because that's what we talk about on date night.

I'm not afraid of heights. But I am smart enough to not do stupid things that have the potential of making me a crater on the Seattle streets.

Brad then came up with a great quote that I think I'll carry around in my back pocket.

"I am NOT afraid of heights. I am afraid of GRAVITY."

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