Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Very Best Fwend

Today Calen's dreams came true as he finally got to visit his " very best fwend" Cameron. We met them at the newly remodeled local McDonalds, because best "fwends", when you're three, like to share good conversation about butt noises over their Happy Meals. I must say that the new play yard there is freaking awesome and I wish I was under 48 inches tall so I could go screw around in it. 

Who am I kidding. I'm short enough to pass for an eight year old. No one would have even noticed. 

Happy Meal Crew
Afterwards we went back to Cameron (and family)'s house to play/visit for the rest of the afternoon. It's so destructive fun now that the boys are three and can really play together. Several times we caught them sitting at the dining room table together talking and giggling with each other. It's also alarming extremely entertaining to hear enormous THUDs upstairs followed by bubbling laughter. (we later snuck upstairs armed with cameras to find that they had thrown all of Kendall's bedding on the floor and were leaping off the bed into the pile). 

rough housing on Kendall's bed
And then we went for a walk to steal borrow someone's tree in their yard so that we could use it for pictures (we couldn't really steal it though because it's a pretty big tree and impossible to move) and the boys of course found big sticks and were beating each other with them. Boyhood really isn't taught, is it? It just is. 

Boys with sticks.
I can only hope that one day we live just down the road and can visit them several times a week and the kids can go to school together. 

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