Friday, June 22, 2012

Hometown Tourism

Now that I'm back at my inlaws with a computer that my camera can actually plug into, let me tell you about yesterday.

Downtown Seattle as viewed from the middle of Lake Union
 We had our last big hurrah yesterday and took the family (Brad's parents, sister, and brother in law) out on the town into Seattle. First, we rode the "Duck." It's actually a car. That is also a boat. That is also a tour bus. And stuff. Basically we sit inside whatever it is and they take us through downtown Seattle and also into Lake Union and talk about the city and the landmarks and whatnot. Not that we don't know Seattle but it's fun to see it from a tourist's perspective, and learn little tidbits, etc. 

Me and the big man on the Duck
 Afterwards we had lunch at our ever favorite Rock Bottom Brewery and then the family parted ways with us and because we are so brilliant, also took our kids with them so that Brad and I could spend the rest of the afternoon/overnight alone in Seattle. Hooray Date Night! 

The inlaws on the Duck
 We decided to be unorthodox and had dinner at like 10 different stands at the world famous Pike Place Market. Basically think fresh, delicious local produce, seafood, baked goods, etc. And since Seattle is a huge international melting pot, we had a little taste of everything. Fresh (I mean like, swimming in the Sound that morning fresh) locally caught seafood and organic peaches, nectarines and blackberries, Russian on-site cooked meat-filled pastries, Chinese baked something or other that I couldn't pronounce but tasted amazing, and so many other little bites of food I was pretty sure my stomach was going to explode from happiness. Then we stayed the night up at a hotel two blocks away, and this morning went back to Pike Place for some fresh breakfast.

Fresh seafood at Pike Place Market. A work of art
 And because I'm so awesome, I TOTALLY had fresh salmon on a stick and crab cocktail for BREAKFAST. 

Breakfast of Champions
 Today once we got back we took it easy, packed, printed boarding passes and mentally prepared for the all day flight back home tomorrow. Did I mention how much I hate flying with kids? I really do. 

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