Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sitting Still is for Pussies

Since we got to Seattle on Sunday we pretty much haven't held still for any more than five minutes. Or so. We're pretty hardcore. But when you only get to come "home" once or twice a year, the list of family/friends/activities that you want to check off while you're here gets long fast. Thus all my incredibly short blog entries the last week. And still two more weeks before we return to Jersey!

Today we spent pretty much all day in Bumfudge Egypt a remote area way East of Seattle towards Mount Rainier called Maple Valley. The boys' little cousin Colt had his first birthday party this afternoon out there, and conveniently our good Coast Guard friends (who used to be our neighbors in Cape May) live like eight seconds from where this birthday party was being held. So when we weren't celebrating with Colt, we were hanging out with old friends. 

The boys definitely felt the pace of the past week today and had nuclear meltdowns (which quickly transformed into sleeping angels -- funny how that Jekyl and Hyde crap is so effective at this age) this evening as we piled in the car to head back to the house. I think it might be a good thing that tomorrow is a little low key and doesn't involve any car rides.

Or so I say now. I'm sure by 9am tomorrow we will discover some sort of new plans to squeeze in. 

Because we are just THAT hardcore.

Brad's cousin Jen and her birthday boy Colt

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