Monday, June 25, 2012

Torture Devices

I had to go to the dentist today. Again. I went right before we left for Seattle but of course I had cavities (like I always do) so I had to go back today to get them taken care of. 

I'm so prone to cavities. I even gave up Pepsi for an entire YEAR back in the day (those that know me know my love affair with Pepsi) and it didn't stop me from getting cavities. So I figure I might as well continue to drink Pepsi and earn my cavities. 

The dentist is pretty much my exact idea of a torture chamber. It has a chair and there's needles (which I'm not necessarily afraid of but not fond of either) and drills and tubes and everything makes terrible grinding whirring noises that sound like they're going to drill and suck out your brains. 

If insurance would cover it, I would get gassed every.single.visit. But insurance doesn't cover it. So I don't. And suffer.

The combination of having your mouth stuck wide open by some horrible mouth-widening device and the sound of the drill on my teeth is basically the ultimate torture device, and I will tell you anything you want to know. Name, address, social, bank account numbers, I'd even give up my family and friends to make that shit stop. And then to put the frosting on the cake you get to pay out the ass for it! (and we have good insurance). Evil jerks. 

In other news it was like Hurricane Cape May today. We had severe thunderstorms, rain and wind for over 12 hours starting at midnight last night. Yet, it was still 80 degrees! My boys spent a lovely lazy day indoors watching Iron Man cartoons and continuing cleaning the house (well, that's was all me. Not the kids). But right in the heart of the storm I hear my two little neighbor boys outside and take a peek out the window to find them shirtless and shoeless playing in the rain. 

And this is why boys are awesome. 

my favorite neighbor boys playing in the storm

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