Saturday, June 2, 2012

Don't Cry Because It's Over. Smile Because It Happened.

Yet another super awesome emotional booby day in the Coast Guard life. We are in the heart of transfer season, and it seems like there is a mass exodus from Cape May this year (can you really blame them?)

We said goodbye to the Young family today. Another family that we spend at least three days a week with (helps when you all live basically next to each other on one street!) Not only am I losing a good friend (Ashley), but Calen is losing two of his good buddies (Aiden and Matty), and to complete the knockout punch Camden is losing his #1 love of his life Caroline. 

All in one day. 

Is there any liquor in this house?

Aiden, Calen, and Matty. Great friends that will surely be missed
I think Calen understood it this time. I took him outside (in his pajamas) this morning to say goodbye to the boys . I told him they are moving far away like Mason did. Ensue a gushing, Niagra Falls flow of tears, sobbing, wailing. Nothing could make my poor little heartbroken three year old feel better. And who could blame him? First his buddy Mason moves away, then TWO more of his friends? AND HE STILL HAS ONE MORE FRIEND LEAVING. Out of his entire little circle of friends, by the end of summer, only one will be left. How can any toddler wrap their little heads around that?

Camden and Caroline. True love never fades

We had dinner with them (kid free - well, except for my kids) at this fun place directly on the Delaware Bay called Harpoon Henry's with had delicious food and live music.

At least I think the food was delicious. I've had this cold for so long that my tastebuds are officially broken and I can't taste much of anything. The upside to this is even if that fish sandwich I had today was nasty in reality, according to me it was the best fish sandwich I ever had. (but I'm pretty sure it really was good). 

We said our goodbyes and parted ways, and that was it. Another one bites the dust. 

Back to reality: we have a plane to catch at 6:30am tomorrow morning. Which actually means getting up in the middle of the night to drive to Philadelphia to the airport. 

I'm almost done packing but I have this creepy feeling that I'm forgetting something really important. You know like I'll arrive in Seattle and realize that I didn't pack any underwear or something. 

Good luck my friend! (from the look of the background, she's already in Florida)

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