Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mowing Puddles

Once again I'm having to ninja blog tonight. Mainly because I'm an airhead and forgot to blog before the Caminator decided it was bedtime. (In my defense, he did go to bed ridiculously early tonight. I thought I had a little more time). Then I attempted to blog via Brad's tablet again, thinking this time I'll be smarter than it and threaten to pour coffee all over it if it doesn't behave, but instead it gave me the middle finger by opening new "help" tabs every time I attempted to change the font, so I said "eff YOU tablet!" and oozed my way into the sleeping baby's room.

Technology wins over me again. And this coming from a girl with a useless degree in Computer Science. There's a revolution happening against my causes. 

It rained today. Again. 

Now THAT'S a big surprise. But it was cold and rainy and not very pleasant. But we had nothing exciting planned so I had to think of something to do. So I went and got Calen's haircut (attn: everyone concerned with Camden's curly hair. Fear not. I don't have the heart to cut it anytime soon. Endnote) and then came back, geared up for the rain and then walked to the main road and launched ourselves into large mud puddles. 

Puddle jumper
This also served as a lesson to Calen about his family history. This is how Northwest kids entertain themselves nine months out of the year. 

Once leaping in mud puddles got old, Calen brought down his toy lawnmower and started "mowing" the puddles. Does mowing them mean he'll cut them shorter? Sadly we stayed out playing in the rain for like, forever. Longer than I'd care to admit.

this puddle is getting overgrown. Time to mow it.
Then we came inside and did another favorite NW pastime: bake gihugant cookies. Because nothing says rainy day like a little baked-goods-therapy. So we baked a cookie the size of a small planet on a pizza sheet and iced it, then had Calen scatter basically an entire bag of M&Ms all over it. The finished product was so sweet I was pretty sure my teeth were just going to pop loose and I was going to swallow them all as I ate my "slice" of cookie. Then I'd be done with my cookie and be like "hmmm, that was crunchy. Also, where are my teeth?"

Yep, just another day in Washington.

Huge cookies. Note Cam desperately trying to pull his face high enough to look at it.


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