Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bad Television... so awesome. Brad and I are currently spending our adult time together watching BAD television. And it doesn't get any farther on the BAD scale than Toddlers & Tiaras. 

I'm not sure why we're enjoying watch it, but we're enjoying it. It's kind of like that rollover injury-accident on the side of the road that you drive by. It's brutal, it's graphic and it's horrifying, but you can't stop staring at it because you want to know just WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON and suddenly you total your car right next to them. Pretty much sums up this show. Except we're not operating any heavy machinery while watching. Thank goodness.

I know a lot of moms really enjoy putting their daughters in big glitzy pageants, and that they find the good reasons to do it and spend a thousand dollars on one dress and that it boosts their self esteem, or whatever their reasoning is to get caught up in all that wildness. Sorry to you ladies, but this blog won't be kind to you. Best just close it now and go spray tan your 5 year old before you get insulted.

I think it's super creepy to see a 6 year old wearing fake teeth that when they open their mouths make them look like the movie Aliens aliens hissing at the cameras. And the fake hair so big it has it's own weather system. Oh and the dress that costs more than our annual budget for plane tickets. And of course let's not forget the four coats of spray tan that rivals the local Maaco auto shops.

But it's all for a good cause! It guarantees that your daughter will turn into the youngest/biggest brat diva in the entire room. Maybe even the city, or the county. Because that's what we need more of in this world. Young girls that fully believe that image is everything and looking fake is far more important than being yourself. And they wonder why Snooki is such an icon. You're creating a Snooki army! Yuck yuck yuck!!

I need to stop before I really get nasty and people start putting watermelon bombs in my mailbox.... 

Meanwhile in our NORMAL household, Camden is learning how to walk. He's not ready to let go and actually walk, because he's smart and wants us to do all the work for him. So he hunts us like a cheetah, then when we're not expecting it (usually making some foodstuff in the kitchen), he attacks, pulls himself up on our legs, shoves his head in between our knees, wraps his arms around each leg and WILL NOT LET GO. He's like a spider monkey suspended in a tree. So no matter where we walk, he walks with us. I'm pretty sure he gets immense satisfaction in turning us into large penguins as well, because we sure as hell can't bend our knees and it forces us to waddle around like we're 42 months pregnant.

He also thinks it's hysterical so he is constantly bouncing up and down and laughing. Thus the pic is a little blurry. Also because it was nighttime and indoors and the lighting in my house!! And that's the excuse I'm going to continue to use until I get better grasp of my camera.

Look I'm walking!!!! Not really I'm cheating so I'm fake walking!!!

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