Thursday, March 15, 2012

Things that Keep our House Operational

Just about every household in America (or the world, I imagine) has their weird little quirks to keep their family sane. Especially if kids or pets, or both are involved. To the outside these little tidbits seem freakishly crazy a little off, but everyone on the inside knows: just let it happen, and the delicate balance of the household will remain in tact.

Calen has a love/hate relationship with Bandaids. He knows they make boo-boos feel better, and they have cool characters on them (bonus mommy points for buying Cars and Toy Story Bandaids). 

BUT, he doesn't want them anywhere near his boo-boo. It freaks him out. He "thinks" it hurts. He screams and cries if you try to put it on whatever injury he might have. 

But he still insists that he NEEDS one.

Calen will show you where to put them. Usually it's at least six inches away from his actual boo-boo. He has a scrape on his knee, put the Bandaid on his lower shin. He says "its all better now see?", and is satisfied.

Yes I could either a) put a Bandaid on his REAL injury and cause him to scream/yell/flip out, or b) not waste a Bandaid and not give him one at all and consequently listen to "I NEED a Bandaid Mama!!" for the next 4 months, but I do what he wants anyways. It's simple, it's cheap, he's happy, I'm happy. And it's funny.

The balance of the house remains.

Unless he's like really bleeding. Then he needs a Bandaid at the correct location. Obviously.

Another example.

When Camden is upset (usually while we're cooking dinner because we're not paying attention to him), we turn on the oven light.

The oven light is like those insect attractor light things that are blue and zap them when they touch it. Except it doesn't zap him and isn't blue.

But Cam looooves the oven light, and will spend the next 15 minutes mouthing and licking the oven door and staring at the light. It's weird. But you have to just let it happen. He stays quiet and is happy, and we can actually get something done.

We keep the peace by turning on the oven light so Cam can "mouth" it

Today I was laying in bed (still sick...why does everything taste like VINEGAR?? That's a whole new level of weird) and Jersey was keeping me company. More like demanding attention but I'll count it as company. She starts licking my hand, which I know is supposed to be a sign of affection (if you consider rubbing your spouse's arm with a sheet of course sandpaper "affectionate"...I call it rude), but it really hurt! So I tried to pull my hand away, but she reached up with both paws, dug in to my hand with her sharp talons claws and pulled me back, and continued licking. With sandpaper. And because I'm a ninny and didn't want her morphing into a panther and attacking me, I just laid there, and let her do it. 

And the world keeps turning in our little house. For today anyways.

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