Monday, March 12, 2012

Beach March?

I hate on New Jersey a lot. Probably because it's so easy to do. But one good thing about living in Cape May is the beaches. Okay so during the peak-season, only ONE beach. The Coast Guard beach.

Because I don't like sharing the beach with people. Unless it's MY people.

Especially here, because the public beaches are as busy as Times Square on New Years Eve. 

I don't do the public beaches here. 

Does anyone really appreciate ten thousand people stomping all over your towel and stealing your kids' sand shovels?

I didn't think so. We stick to our private beach. 

Aren't WE just the snooty type.

In the off-season, Cape May is abandoned. Completely, utterly, forgotten. The hotels are closed, as are most restaurants, the streets are bare and the beach is empty.

And it's AWESOME!

Miles of EMPTY public beach for the win!

This should be our one golden chance to go to the beach, but winter on the ocean is brutal. It's windy. It's cold. IT'S REALLY EFFING WINDY!! So unfortunately we abandon the beach as well. 

Until the temperature gets over 60 degrees, and the wind gets lower than 20mph, we all start to freak out, text the neighbors and plan a beach trip. Hurry before the wind picks up we've got to go NOW!

We went to the public beach today. Because no one is there. Except us. And my friends. S.C.O.R.E.

Northwest people have never seen REAL sand. We have real sand here. It's soft. It's not (completely) full of rocks. It's not wet. 

It was cold today on the water, but we still just HAD to have a beach day with our friends. And even though Camden will have sand in his dirty diapers for probably the next week, we had a great beach day. And there's not much else to say about it. Because I'm tired ready for bed. Stupid daylight savings messes me up (which is JUST about as worthless as Leap Year!!)

Caroline can't resist Camden's thick curls. Ahh, young love.


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