Thursday, March 1, 2012

Revenge of the Netflix

Throughout the day today I had like 20 ideas for today's blog. And then I flicked on Netflix and Revenge of the Nerds came on. And thus, my mind turned into college fraternity jello-mixed-with-beer. So, no topic tonight. Sorry, Nerds win this round! 

And Ogre is the best character ever.

I was a nerd growing up. Okay not like one of the Revenge nerds. I failed math can't play a musical instrument and I made out with a boy before I hit adulthood and I didn't wear bifocals. But I definitely wasn't in the "in"-crowd, not a jock or a cheerleader or very popular. Oh but I tried to be "cool", wearing Old Navy and Abercrombie (hey it was COOL to wear those stupid t-shirts with the brand name slapped right on the front like a bumper sticker in the late 90's/early 00's) and Sketchers and flare jeans. And I wrote "notes" to the popular kids. Do teenagers these days write notes? (do they even know how to write?) Or do they just text/tweet/Facebook to each other when they're only 6 inches away from each other in class in text language that all teenagers think is cool but the truth is not even they know how to decipher it.

"OMG Jenny this is SO boring."

"I Kno zOMG! But H is SOO hottttttt today wit his new kix"

"I kno I wan 2go2 his party at his crib 2nite RU goin?????????"

"No cant B out 2 l8 2nite"

"Grl U Sux monkE buttz"

"ummmmm...what U mean 2 say?"

Or something like that. I don't even know how to pretend to text like that. Unlike most high school graduates, I prefer to use English when I text. And complete sentences. And proper punctuation, spelling and grammar. I know, high standards. 

If you got someone's phone number in a note that said "Call me! 425-555-1011" and they were even slightly above average in on the Cool-O-Meter, you were on cloud 9.

"LIKE OHMYGOD she gave me her number she actually wants to talk to me outside of school I MUST be so popular this is going to be awesome WHOOO".

In high school on Friday football nights my friends and I would get to the stadium early to get front row "seats" (we never actually down, so it's more like just a place to stand). And now that I think about it a group of 6 or 7 not-so-popular nerds in the front row doing chants and cheers with the cheerleaders seems kind of ridiculous (but it was fun). Luckily in my little farm town, the popular kids weren't (too) mean to the less fortunate nerdlets. We actually all meshed pretty well. 

But that doesn't mean I was invited to any keggers or orgies or bear wrestling or whatever the hell the POPULAR kids wasted their weekends on.

The GOOD thing about being a nerd(ish...c'mon, do you really think I'm going to fully admit that I wasn't at least a little awesome?) is that my circle of nerdish friends were very real friends and not fake ones. And even though we're coming up our ten year reunion this summer (eff me I'm getting old), I still consider them my friends. Real friends.

Well isn't this just an awwwww mushy mushy let's hug everyone and sing a song moment. Outrageous. I'm going to go watch a violent movie.

(Hey look, you got a topic! Aren't YOU just a lucky duck)

Once again today's picture is unrelated to the post (especially since I didn't actually intend to post anything at all). Today was a shockingly warm and sunny so I forced the kids to go outside. What an abusive parent I am. I was screwing around with manual mode on my Beast dslr camera. I was trying to make the kids smile so I'm sitting on the front yard on a street where there are probably 25 townhome buildings (5 units a building) ALL with their windows open, and I'm sitting there loudly making Donald Duck noises. Which I'm sure all 200 families started inspecting their garbage disposals to see if a spider monkey got stuck in them. But, I got a smile. Which is even more adorable with snack bar squishing through his teeth.

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