Thursday, March 29, 2012

Kitchen Adventures

This could also be titled "Things That Keep Our House Operational Volume 2". Which seems like it could be almost a weekly update because the kids' necessary household-sanity arsenal changes as often as the Mariners' pitching staff. What might have worked two days ago suddenly doesn't work anymore. (though the oven light attraction to Camden does still work)

The boys were in rare form today. "Rare" is turning into a little more common entity than I'd like. I can see that "three" is going to be a tough year.

And by 4pm both the boys were bonafide basket-cases so I had to get creative fast. So I dug into my mommy carpet bag.

And went onto Pinterest. 

Who are we kidding. Pinterest IS the mommy carpet bag of 2012. The present day mommy is far too busy keeping track of the newest 919103 civil laws that went into effect this month (and the latest episodes of The Bachelorette...I've never understood why people actually enjoy those shows) to be whipping up creative ideas to be keeping our children from gnawing on each other's arms. So we go to the Internet. And Pinterest is the mecca of all creative idea websites.

I got a fun recipe for English muffin pizzas. Which I thought was a really unique idea but APPARENTLY the entire world knows about English muffin pizzas. Except me. Until now.

This is why the Internet is essential in every household.

So I threw some pasta sauce, mozzarella cheese and pepperonis in three different bowls and toasted some muffins and split them, and threw it all on the counter. Then got Calen a stepping stool, and told him to make pizzas.

Calen took a break from eating spoonfuls of sauce to actually put some on the muffins.

Calen loved it. Especially using the big spoon to eat sauce. Just sauce. and cheese. JUST cheese. Not together, separately. 

Sometimes I'm not sure why I even bother making my kids meals. They just like ingredients. Like piles of shredded cheese. And spoonfuls of marinara sauce. I should just throw piles of random food items on their plates. Easier for me, and they couldn't care less.

Either way, he really liked making little "baby pizzas". And they were actually pretty tasty too. 

Meanwhile, while Calen was making pizzas, Camden was sitting on the kitchen floor, yelling.

Camden doesn't cry. He yells. He hollers. LOUDLY. 


So I filled up the sink and threw him in (he needed a bath anyways). He was excited, and Calen thought it was funny. And then Calen said:

"I want to take a bath in sink!"

My arguments of "you're three now, you're too big" ("No mommy I not too big!! I fit in baby bathtub sink") weren't holding up. And like I said, sometimes, you just have to do whatever it takes to keep the delicate balance of the house in tact.

So I stripped Calen down and threw him in the other sink (it's a double sink). 

He looked ridiculous. But he thought it was fantastic. And who the hell cares if it's an outrageous idea if the kids aren't SCREAMING, right?

Our newest renovations to our kitchen sink. Isn't THIS the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen? But hey, it kept the peace for 15 minutes.



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