Saturday, March 17, 2012

Bathtubs and Blanket Assaults

Cam is a funny baby.

First of all, I'm healthy. I'M HEALTHY!!! I actually returned to the land of the living today. I showered, I put on a bra, I drove a car, I even played with my kids. It's pretty nice being normal and human and all that.

Wait, what were we talking about?

Camden is REALLY quirky. He has little unexpected explosions of QUIRK, like a car backfiring or something. Which keeps us on our toes and usually always laughing.

Bathtime is always hit or miss. We're never sure whether we're going to get Happy Baby or Angry Baby during bathtime. Some days he LOVES baths. He splashes and laughs and kicks his legs. Other days the moment his feet touches the water he loses his brains, screams, wails, desperately attempts to crawl out of the tub, like the water is full of piranhas (it's not...Calen survives every bath). 

I hate not knowing how bathtime is going to work out. So today while Calen was sleeping (ummm hello Calen actually SLEPT today during naptime), I mixed things up and threw him in the sink. With water in it. Obviously.

Sink baby = happy baby

The sink is such a great bathtub. It's smaller, so baby feels safe. It's like a happy cozy baby water safety bubble. It has no piranhas. And, it has a faucet. Like a big faucet. Cam likes to mouth things, and a faucet keeps him pretty distracted while I de-filth him. And bathing him in the sink means he can rinse all the dishes and I can make dinner whilst he do so.

No, I don't go make dinner while he sits in the sink. Don't leave your kid unattended in kitchen sinks. Or any other plumbing device. Also if you actually believed that my 10 month old can rinse my dishes, you have other issues to attend to. This blog is based on a little truth and a lot of sarcasm. Or the other way around. You decide.

Cam's other main quirk is his blankie. When he sees it, something snaps. Not like a "I'm going to go on a blanket tearing rampage like a howling baboon" type of snap, but a "OHMYGOD IT'S MY BLANKET AND I'M MORE HAPPY THAN I EVER HAVE BEEN IN MY LIFE" type of snap. He crawls as fast as he can to it, and then promptly throws himself, FACE first, into it. Limbs fly, head drops and face stuffs itself so deeply into the blanket you'd think he was suffocating. Then he grabs it and rolls with it all over the floor, and continues to bury his face into it. Then he'll sit up, maybe start playing with other things, then look down, see blankie, and repeats the process. Over and over.

All those cute kittens on the Internet have nothing on my kid.

I wish this picture did his blanket assault justice.


1 comment:

  1. I think Charles Schultz created a character around your son's behavior.
