Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Witchcraft (or Solar Flares)

I am still sick. Even more sick than yesterday (except in regards to fever). So you only get this little food for thought today.

All over the most accredited news source on the Internet (Facebook), I keep seeing creepy pictures of people's angle brooms just hanging out, upright, by themselves, with no one and nothing touching them. They say it's from solar flares of the sun screwing with the Earth's gravity.

I say these people are way too far into witchcraft and need to lay off the voodoo.

Either that or I need to lay off the Dayquil. 

On a side note: Dayquil is worthless. There's nothing "Day" about it, it makes me sleepy, like smash my face on the couch and drool all over myself kind of sleepy. And it doesn't keep a fever down. Or stop any symptoms. And it makes me hallucinate. My walls were breathing. Seriously. Avoid it.

You've been warned.

Anyways some of my less witchcraft-prone friends started putting their broomstick pictures up on Facebook, so then I knew I just HAD to try this little experiment.

So I took out my angle broom, plopped it on the kitchen floor in the upright position, and let go....

HOLY &*$#! 

God is doing the sweeping today.

Tell me THAT doesn't make you feel small and insignificant in this universe.

Now this is all kinds of awesome and everything, but what would REALLY impress me is if my broom would sweep my house by itself. That would definitely give solar flares an A+ in my book. 

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